Shiloh Curaçao 36 results

  • $ 219.00

    Weekend Retreat: Redefining success

    Being successful is generally portrayed as: having a good education, a good job, a nice house, a nice car, nice clothes, going on vacation regularly, having enough means to live financially independent, etc. Although having these things can make life easier, they can also bring an awareness that it…
  • $ 50.00

    Mini-Workshop: My Lifestyle. Three sessions

    My Lifestyle: teaches you to take responsibility for your own success in life. Here you learn to eliminate time wasters and how to create your own personal vision board to see the life you want, in front of you, right now! You will learn to develop a Kingdom lifestyle, maintaining high standard…
  • Free

    Free Webinar: 3 Tips To Enhance Your Bible Meditation Experience

    Join us for a free webinar on: 3 Tips to enhance your Bible meditation experience. This webinar will provide you with valuable insights to help deepen your understanding and connection with the practice of Bible meditation. During the webinar, Melanie Kos will share her knowledge and expertise on…
  • $ 25.00

    Creating Your Divine Reality Through Bible Meditation

    Hey there my fellow divine reality seekers! I've got some exciting news for you today. Are you ready? I am offering a workshop on Creating Your Divine Reality Through Bible Meditation! That's right, if you're looking to level up your spiritual game and take control of your destiny, then this…
  • $ 0.10

    Test CX Pay

    This product is for testing purposes only
  • from $ 180.50

    4-Day Retreat: Bible Meditation Fasting Retreat

    Het Woord van God staat vol met kostbare beloften die voor eeuwig gelden. Maar hoe vaak nemen we de tijd om deze beloften in ons wezen te laten doordringen totdat ze de realiteit worden van waaruit we ons dagelijks leven leiden? Hoe vaak lopen we de ervaring uit de eerste hand mis dat het Woord…
  • $ 25.00

    Workshop: The Art of Joyful Living

    Did you know that living a joyful life is an art you can learn? We often let our joy depend on people and circumstances over which we have absolutely no control. In addition, we do not understand that being 'unhappy' is usually learned behavior. Do you want to know how you can live from your…
  • $ 25.00

    Workshop: The Transformative Power of Silence and Contemplation

    We live in a time of unbelievable busyness and hardly take time for contemplative silence which enables us to connect with the 'now' and thus be well rooted in our Maker and our ‘authentic self'. The practice of silent contemplation is indispensable for our spiritual, mental and physical health.…
  • $ 25.00

    Workshop: Redefining Success

    Being successful is generally portrayed as: having a good education, a good job, a nice house, a nice car, nice clothes, going on vacation regularly, having enough means to live financially independent, etc. Although having these things can make life easier, they can also bring an awareness that it…
  • $ 40.00

    Interactive lecture: How To Get Back On Your Feet After Betrayal

    Have you ever seriously desired to achieve something only to fail time and time again? Have you ever asked yourself why good things don’t seem to manifest in your life? Have you ever wondered why scripture teaches you to ‘guard your heart above all else?’ Then this is for you. You will learn to: -…
  • $ 40.00

    Interactive Lecture: How to Overcome Feelings of Inferiority

    Has your self-esteem been crushed? Do you feel like everything you do ends up wrong? Have you been rejected or ignored and have these negative experiences carried over into other areas of your life? Does your life seem to be taking you where you don’t want to go? Then this is for you. You will learn…
  • $ 40.00

    Interactive Lecture: How to Deal With Seemingly Unpardonable Acts

    Have you ever said or done something so wrong and so bad that you felt that there was no way back for you anymore? Are you struggling to forgive yourself? Are you having a hard time accepting forgiveness? Are you trying to solve life's difficulties on your own because you feel unworthy to approach…

About Shiloh Curaçao

Shiloh Curaçao

In addition to a wonderful stay in a relaxing atmosphere, Shiloh Curacao offers workshops and trainings that contribute to an enrichment of mind, soul and body. We are happy to serve you and let you share in what we have to offer!


Melanie Kos

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