We live in a time of unbelievable busyness and hardly take time for contemplative silence which enables us to connect with the 'now' and thus be well rooted in our Maker and our ‘authentic self'. 
The practice of silent contemplation is indispensable for our spiritual, mental and physical health. 

After this workshop the participant:
* recognizes what is the right mindset to remain connected with their Maker
* knows how to eliminate thoughts that block their inner flow
* can choose to live daily from their 'authentic self'
* can participate in silence and contemplation in a relaxed way

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Melanie Kos

Melanie Kos-Paula was born in Curaçao in 1969. At the age of 18 she moved to the United States where she majored in ‘Human Development’ and earned her Bachelors Degree. Beginning 1991 she fulfilled several functions in Curaçao as well as in Holland, among other things giving ‘social skills’ training to the youth and female (ex) prisoners and providing aid for refugees. She also offered counseling and courses for parents, teachers and children in an effort to help restore disrupted relationships between them. Although she was actively involved with the Pentecostal Church at a very early age, it was not until 1999 that her spiritual life really gained meaning and she began to understand how to make God an active partner in her day to day life. In February of 2012 Melanie founded The Upper Room Curacao. A foundation which purposes to share Father God’s unconditional love with all mankind through feeding projects and spending meaningful time with the less fortunate – mainly drug- and alcohol addicts and the homeless.  The Upper Room Curacao also serves as a meditation oasis of silence and tranquility, where soft worship music and a candlelight atmosphere help lead visitors (back) to thoughts of faith and meditation on the Word of God. The Upper Room is located at Shiloh, Perseusweg 34 in Curacao. Melanie is a certified Life coach and the creator of ‘I Thrive in Life’. It is her passion to help people all over the world discover and live from their authentic self, let go of programmed limiting beliefs and reclaim their joy in life. In so doing they are able to fulfill their value, identity, purpose and destiny based on the stable and unchanging principles of the Kingdom of God.  Her training program ‘How To Thrive, Not Just Survive The Kingdom Way’ teaches people to stop struggling to merely get by and live their  life with zest and passion! Some main themes of Melanie’s teaching include: 1. building life one ONE solid foundation 2. de-programming limiting and destructive heart beliefs through meditation 3. forgiveness the key to being set free from wounds and lies, 4. acquiring provision according to the principles of the Kingdom of God sets you free and enables you to pursue your God given purpose, and finally 5. taking responsibility for your own success in life. Melanie now shares her experiences and best practices through practical and on-line training sessions, (group) coaching programs, workshops, seminars and speeches. In 2017 she released her latest (e)book on the topic. Her first book My Husband, My Lord, My All (available in Dutch, English and Papiamento in various bookstores and as an ebook in the English and Dutch language) provides a detailed description of her own personal journey of struggle that brought her to the path of learning the key principles for thriving in life.  In years passed her book My Husband, My Lord, My All has been actively promoted in Holland as well as on her island of birth as Melanie received invitations to speak on several local radio- and television programs, Youth- and Women’s organizations, Book Clubs, and churches. Melanie has also spoken and sold her books aboard Logos Hope, on one of their visits to the island. Her book How to Thrive, Not Just Survive, The Kingdom Way is available in Dutch and English in various bookstores and as an ebook in the English and Dutch language. The Dutch version is called ‘Voorspoed in Plaats van Overleven Levensstijl van een Koningskind’.